Political Power: We work to shift the national dialogue to make it politically toxic to be a Democratic candidate who doesn’t treat climate change like the emergency by:

  1. Using moral clarity to turn the Green New Deal into a litmus test for youth and progressive voters,

  2. Building a growing sense of urgency around the effects of the climate crisis on everyday Americans, and

  3. Electing movement candidates who support our vision.

People’s Alignment: We develop deep relationships, mutual understanding, and accountability in Los Angeles with key partners in environmental justice, labor, climate, indigenous, economic, gender, and racial justice organizations to ensure that a shared vision of a Green New Deal is central to the emerging people’s alignment.

People Power: We engage and train a racially, socially, and economically representative base of young Angelenos between the ages of 16 and 35 to become organizers who can speak to and prepare our communities to mobilize in support of a Green New Deal.

Organizing is leadership that enables people to turn the resources they have into the power they need to make the change they want.

Community organizing starts with people and relationships, is focused on shifting power, and aims to create lasting change. Our organizing is based on the mastery of five key leadership practices: telling stories, building relationships, creating structure, strategizing, and taking shared action.